Apple has announced the iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus and Watch Series 2. Apple has upgraded the smartphone camera system, battery life, speakers and display, and has added splash and water resistance. Apple also removed the headphone jack from the new smartphone. Users will now need to use wireless buds or use a lightning port adapter for wired headphones that is expected to ship with the device. The biggest upgrade with this release of the iPhone is seen in the camera technology. Here is everything you need to know about this latest technology trend.
Dual cameras
While the iPhone 7 and iPhone Plus both include a 12MP wide-angle camera, the iPhone 7 Plus will also include a 12MP telephoto camera. The ISP technology will allow you to capture sharp close-up photos and videos with optical zoom at 2x and improved digital zoom at up to 10x for photos and 6x for video. Apple will also be releasing the depth-of-field effect for iPhone 7 Plus that will allow you to keep faces sharp while creating a blurred effect in the background. On the iPhone 7 Plus there are dual-cameras on the rear, similar to smartphones like the LG G5. It’s the first iPhone to ever have such a feature.
Waterproof design and durability
Both the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are finally water and dust-resistant meaning you are free to get them wet. You’ll be able to take either of them underwater for about 30 minutes, up to 1 meter deep. The new phones also do not feature antenna bands anymore on the top and bottom. Instead, those bands are now barely visible on the bottom and top edges. There more colors to the iPhone. The iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus will now come in five finishes: jet black, matte black, gold, silver and rose gold. The home button now features a new version of the pressure-sensitive and Touch ID sensor. It no longer actually clicks, but simulates one vibration like the Force Touch trackpad on MacBooks.
No headphone jack
Both new iPhones also utilize stereo speakers both at the top and bottom of the devices. The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus no longer feature a 3.5mm headphone jack. That means you’ll have to rely on a Lightning converter for your current headphones, or upgrade to a pair of Bluetooth earbuds. Apple is including a pair of Lightning-connected (wired) EarPods in the box and a Lightning-converter for your 3.5mm headphone plug. The downside of this is you cannot charge your phone and listen to music at the same time.
The lack of a headphone jack also forced Apple to improve wireless audio with the W1 wireless chip. It’s implemented in another new Apple product, the AirPods, which are completely wireless and get 5 hours of battery life. After a simple one-tap setup, AirPods are automatically on and always connected. The AirPods are also compatible with Apple Watch, iPad and Mac. With a double-tap to either AirPod, you’re also able connect directly to Siri without taking your iPhone out of your pocket – allowing you to make calls, play music, adjust the volume.
More processing power
Apart from the new high-gloss finish and water-resistant rating, there are several other major changes under the hood of the iPhone 7.The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus utilize Apple’s most powerful processor ever: the A10 Fusion. It’s a 64-bit quad-core processor that’s 40 percent faster than the A9 in the iPhone 6S and 6S Plus. The battery is also the best ever compared to previous iPhones. The Cupertino company says the new iPhone 7 will last 2 hours more than the iPhone 6S, and the iPhone 7 Plus will add an additional hour over the iPhone 6S Plus.
Availability and price
The iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are available for pre-order now, and Apple says the devices will officially be available on September 16. iOs 10 is also equipped on these devices.
Apple Watch Series 2
Apple Watch Series 2 is packed with fitness and health capabilities including a water resistance 50 meter rating for swimming and built-in GPS so users can now run without an iPhone. Apple Watch Series 2 also features a brighter display and a dual-core processor. Apple Watch Series 2 makes it easier to access third-party apps, receive and respond to notifications and conveniently use Apple Pay. Apple Watch Series 2 will be available in more than 25 countries beginning Friday, September 16 and will retail for $159.
Apple has made significant advances in technology with the release of these new phones.