IT Empowerment Blog
The Cookie Sale to Combat World Hunger
With the Holiday Season upon us, we wanted to take a minute to spotlight an organization we have supported for the past few years and one our clients continually ask us about.
The Annual Cookie Sale to Combat World Hunger was started in 1997, by Jim and Jen Weber wanted to start a project that would motivate their Sunday school class at St. Joseph’s Parish. Running through Cross International, what once was a simple cookie sale has become something bigger than they ever anticipated. Last year this sale raised enough to feed more than 1,142,000 people in Haiti and Jamaica. The goal this year is to feed over 1.5 million.
ONE 2 ONE back in the news
Lancaster City Zoning Hearing Board and the Historical Commission approved ONE 2 ONE’s plans to build a new state of the art 9,500 square foot building next to it’s existing headquarters on Water Street in the city’s Keystone Opportunity Zone.
ONE 2 ONE donates to the First Response Team of America
ONE 2 ONE recently donated to the First Response Team to aid in their relief efforts for those affected by the recent flooding disasters in the Lancaster area.
ONE 2 ONE at the Lancaster Catholic High Golf Tournament (cont.)
On August 12, 2011, ONE 2 ONE sent a foursome to the links at Meadia Heights Golf Club to support the Lancaster Catholic High School’s annual Golf Tournament.
ONE 2 ONE at the Lancaster Catholic High Golf Tournament
Once again ONE 2 ONE will be supporting LCHS by entering a foursome into the Lancaster Catholic High Golf Tournament today at 1:30pm at Meadia Heights Golf Club.
Tips to Stay Safe Online
Ed Bott ‘s Microsoft Report Blog over at ZDNet has a great article today detailing how to stay safe online. He outlines 5 steps everyone should be practicing when using the internet to keep your computer free of infection.
ONE 2 ONE is in the news
Tim Mekeel from Lancaster Online spoke with us yesterday about our plans for the new building and posted a great article about it online.
ONE 2 ONE Inc. Expanding in Lancaster City KOZ – Plans to build new headquarters
ONE 2 ONE Inc., a local leading computer services and technology consulting firm, has purchased 1.5 acres of land in the Keystone Opportunity Zone in the southern end of Lancaster city to build a technologically advanced office facility.
ONE 2 ONE supports CAP Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster
The Community Action Program of Lancaster’s Domestic Violence Services component held it’s annual Spring Gala Dinner and Silent Auction Saturday Night, April 30, at Bent Creek Country Club from 6:00 p.m. to Midnight.
ONE 2 ONE at the 8th annual Ron Haas Memorial Golf Outing
Just a quick follow up from a previous post. On Saturday, April 16th, ONE 2 ONE helped sponsor, and participate in Schaeffer’s Harley-Davidson’s annual Ron Haas Memorial Golf Outing. This year, the 8th for the tournament that benefits the Muscular…
ONE 2 ONE Holiday Donations Continue
In the spirit of the holiday season, ONE 2 ONE continued their annual tradition of donating food and money to the Ronald McDonald House Charities this year.
ONE 2 ONE Spreads Holiday Cheer by Donating
In celebration of the holidays, ONE 2 ONE has donated to a cause that helps to feed the hungry